Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 18

Project Management - Essay Example Based on the assessment, project improvement plans are designed (P3M3, 2014). In such context, the study will use a case organization to understand the functionality of Project Management Maturity Model in real world business project scenario. The case organization is Construction Company that specializes in handling real estate and facility management projects. For sake of confidentiality, name and operational detail of the Construction Company will not be revealed throughout this paper. AXELOS Limited (2013) reported that P3M3 involves three types of managements such as, 1- Portfolio Management (management control, financial management and benefits management), 2- Programme Management (financial management, risk management and stakeholder engagement) and 3- Project Management (risk management, organizational governance and resource management). These three models are self sufficient and there are no interdependencies between them. Therefore, independently assessing particular management model does not decrease importance of other management models. Interesting fact is that organizational maturity and project management maturity are conceptualized as divergent ideas. Organizational maturity is defined as comparative level of advancement for organizations such as using actively used policies, having established practices and standards. More mature organizations are expected to have well established standards, policies, organizational hierarchy and practices (Demir an d KocabaÅŸ, 2010; Kerzner, 2013 and Cooke-Davies and Arzymanow, 2003). On contrary, Project Management Institute (2007) defined project management maturity as the phase where organizations successfully initiate projects, plan activities, execute planned activities, monitor outcome of activities and control outcome of individual projects. Therefore, it can be assumed that organizations get assurance of continuous improvement during project management maturity

Monday, October 28, 2019

Monster by Sanyika Shakur Essay Example for Free

Monster by Sanyika Shakur Essay The book Monster by Sanyika Shakur is the story of one gang member’s life of crime growing up in a crime ridden neighbourhood outside Los Angeles. Then known as Kody Scott but given the name Monster by his fellow gang members because of his vicious and ruthless acts of violence, Shakur relates a life of crime that started at adolescence and escalated quickly. He relates to the reader that the only feelings of belonging and family that he truly experienced were in the family created by his fellow thugs through a life of shootouts and gangbanging. In the book, Shakur expresses memories of his mother’s only reactions to his crimes being disapproval and detachment, rather than concern or love. There is little evidence of order or community in Shakur’s experiences either in his time on the street or during his periods of incarceration. The novel Monster and the life of Sanyika Shakur paint a picture of a life ruled by the concepts of the social disorganization theory. The social disorganization theory, formulated by Burgess, Shaw and McKay, proposes that delinquency and crime are the results of communal institutions like family, church, school and local government fail and stop being active structures within a community. These communal institutions enforce social responsibility, care and concern for the community and positive behaviour within the community. When these institutions degrade and stop playing active roles in the lives of the citizens of a community, the organization and social responsibility of the community is lost and crime and negative behaviour can spread in their place. The memory of Kody’s graduation at the beginning of Monster is an example of the prevalence of social disorganization in Shakur’s life. He relates how, at the age of 12, his graduation from grade school is treated as a family event and attended by all his siblings, an aunt and an uncle. But as soon as the graduation ceremony ends and the family returns home it disintegrates, with the other authority figures leaving and Kody being yelled at by his mother to clean up his room. There is no praise, no positive reinforcement, just yelling and orders. As a result Kody flees for the place that he feels he will get that acceptance, love and sense of accomplishment – the hangout of a local gang member. It is in this early experience that it can be seen how the life of a gang member, in young Kody’s eyes, will meet his needs far better than living the life of a civilian and working a regular job, as he describes the clothes of one gang member he emulates as, â€Å"Things our parents could not afford to give us† (Shakur 6). He has been given no reinforcement from his family unit, a family where there is seemingly little or no structure, so he finds that structure and reinforcement, along with the promise of better things, in gang life. Later, after being released from prison, Shakur reflects on his neighbourhood that he grew up in and recognizes its shortcomings: â€Å"I couldn’t believe the drabness of the city. Burned-out buildings and vacant houses took up whole blocks. Gas stations and liquor stores owned by Koreans were on every corner. Mexican merchants hung on corners, hawking oranges like dope. The obvious things that had been there all along I never saw differently† (Shakur 360). This illustration paints a picture of a neighbourhood that is rife with the characteristics of a socially disorganized environment. Shakur mentions no schools, no churches, no public parks or recreational sources of positive enforcement. The things that stand out to him are liquor stores and Mexican fruit sellers. There are burned-out buildings and vacant houses, representative of the void where positive reinforcement and social responsibility is blatantly absent in his community. As a result, these streets that now cause him to feel depressed are the same ones that led him to a life of crime and murder. The things that are absent from the streets that Shakur sees were also absent from his life. He never mentions school again after that early graduation memory except to say that he never went back, and there is no mention of church at all by him or his family. The concept of faith is so foreign to him that he does not understand it when the Muslim leaders in prison try to explain faith to him. There is no evidence of social responsibility in the neighbourhood that Shakur describes, only poverty and businesses like liquor stores that provide sources of negative distraction from life and responsibility instead of encouraging improvement or positive behaviour. One of the elements of gang life that appealed to Shakur was the structure provided by the organization of gang sets. He states, â€Å"All attempts at new ideas are not successful. Sets fail, much like businesses. Much work goes into establishing a set. With the success of a set comes universal recognition† (Shakur 81). This description indicates that Shakur’s way of thinking and personality would have benefited from a more positive source of structure and organization, such as in church, school or a community work program. In this illustration Shakur explains that successfully organizing a gang set garners recognition and respect, the ultimate goal. But the gang members he’s organizing with have not been taught how to organize themselves for a positive goal, like a school athletic team or a church choir or study group. In the absence of that positive reinforcement their organizational skills turn to forming a successful set that will have adequate numbers and sufficient weapons to launch an attack on gang rivals. The social network that should have existed within the community as a source of strength and positive reinforcement was replaced by a social network within the gang community, spreading violence and drug use throughout a community weakened by lack of leadership and socially positive structures. There is a sense of apathy portrayed in the neighbourhood that Shakur grew up gangbanging in that allowed the social disorganization to spread. He describes occasions in which he and fellow gang members would follow rivals into local businesses to assault them and business owners would simply step out of the way. This is another scenario in which positive behaviour could have been reinforced. The local businesses do not represent a traditional social structure like a school or a church, but a group of local businesses banding together to stop gang violence on their premises and to enforce the law against crime and encourage local youth towards more positive pursuits would have produced the same effect. Instead, other citizens turn a blind eye to the theft and violence that occurs on their property out of fear or apathy. This attitude allows the disorganization to occur just as the failing of the communal institutions does. Shakur’s experiences in the multiple prisons in which he is incarcerated also provide evidence of a lack of structure or positive reinforcement. Shakur repeatedly gives examples of prison guards that mistreat and beat African American inmates because they are African American or because they are gang members. When discussing the juxtaposition of the environment he grew up in with the prison environment he explains that much of the disorganization and violence in prison stemmed from, â€Å"the fact that most of us grew up in eighty percent New Afrikan community policed – or occupied – by an eighty five percent American pig force that is clearly antagonistic to any male in the community, displaying this antagonism at every opportunity by any means necessary with all the brute force and sadistic imagination they can muster†(Shakur 223-24). In a socially organized society law enforcement would be another structure that would reinforce positive behaviour within the community and help to encourage a sense of community responsibility. Here, Shakur describes a police force where the opposite is true. Instead of encouraging positive action the police antagonize citizens, especially those that are male, and use brute force and unnecessary violence to enforce the law, while taking advantage of their position of authority over the citizens. Instead of using their authority to be role models within the community and protect the people from crime by discouraging it, the police that Shakur grew up with on his Los Angeles streets abused their power and took advantage of their authority to wrongfully accuse Shakur and his community. This represents a clear departure from the social structure necessary for social organization, and a degradation that could have definitely resulted in the presence of social disorganization instead. The structures of authority within the gang world relate Shakur’s need for reinforcement and organization that he didn’t find in his social community. During his stay in prison he describes plays for power in which an inmate member of one gang would physically assault or publicly humiliate an inmate member of another gang as a means of establishing dominance for himself over the other inmate and for his gang set over the other gang set. Again, this is an example of the lack of social structure, both out in the community and within the confines of the prison, resulting in a social structure and community spreading in the criminal world and encouraging negative behaviour and crime. It is in this prison system that functions as a microcosm of social disorganization that Shakur discovered the New Afrikan Independence Movement, which is presented as a contrast to the unstructured, violent, socially disorganized world that Shakur has known. Again, he feels a sense of belonging in the structure and positive reinforcement of his attitude. He learns to take pride in his heritage and where he is from instead of reacting out of anger and ignorance at the police and other members of society that he feels degrade him. In the movement Shakur explains that he learned that his behaviour was directly related to the environment he was in and the reinforcement he was given, and that the only way to create a positive environment for himself and his people was to create one. In himself, Shakur develops his own social organization. He describes how he left the gang community while in prison and expresses surprise that there was not more resistance. It makes sense that after a life in the gang world where any opposition or threat to the authority and structure of the gang was met with anger, violence, and potentially death, that Shakur would be apprehensive about announcing his decision to turn his back on gang life and his surprise at the calm reaction. Shakur also changes his life outside of prison, instructing his friends to not address him using the N-word and refusing the cocaine they bring him. The reactions of his friends and family to his new attitude and outlook on life illustrate the reinforcement of social disorganization. His gang member friends try to give him money and drugs right away so that he can delve right back into a life of illegal activity and crime. His mother displays a detached, almost unemotional attitude that indicates that she doesn’t think it’s possible for him to avoid returning to the gangbanging life he knew and make a new life for himself. In her reaction, his mother displays all the characteristics of a socially disorganized community in her inability to offer positive reinforcement or organizational help or structure. It is only through Shakur’s will and new sense of purpose that he escapes the socially disorganized world he lived in for one that is organized with the structure and positive reinforcement he needs to succeed. Works Cited Shakur, Sanyika. Monster. New York: Grove Press, 1993.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Biblical Dating :: Dating Bible Relationships Christianity Essays

Biblical Dating When one mentions the term "dating" it can produce, on the ambivalence continuum, feelings ranging from delightful bliss to genuine confusion or even aversion. Before I begin, let's bring some definition to this often nebulous term "dating". Webster defines dating simply as: "to have social engagements with persons of the opposite sex". In a casual sense, therefore, dating can certainly mean hanging out with the opposite sex for non-romantic purposes. Some of these engagements could be having coffee to talk about work, or other common interests. Dating is could also be defined as "playing the field" where someone is attempting to meet as many people as possible in an attempt to find the right one (dating is a means) or where the person simply enjoys seeing as many people as possible (dating is the end). When one person dates as an end in itself (dates just to date) and his/her interest dates as a means to a more significant end (dates to meet the "right one") you can expect conflict and heartache to arise. This paper will narrow the definition and focus on dating as a romantic tool and discuss how best to do this dating thing. THE GAME Lately, I have become disillusioned by the world's dating practices and procedures. This is elaborated by what I call the "dating flowchart". Here's how it works in its simplified form: First, you (forgive the second person usage) target an aesthetically appealing female (or male whatever the case). I mention the aesthetic motivation because most people initiate the dating process because of appearance, and an ugly carcass is rarely the initiating factor. Thus, in the "dating realm" appearance acts as the main catalyst. And not that this is a particularly bad thing to do. But I have certainly met girls who "became" more beautiful the more I got to know them because their personality made them so. More often than not though, in the dating realm the personality is not something that serves as the standard catalyst. John Calvin, with respect to females, wrote about what appealed to him, "I am not of the wild race of lovers who, at the first sight of a fine figure, embrace all the faults of their beloved. This is only beauty which allures me, if she is chaste, if not too nice or fastidious, if economical, if patient, if there is hope that she will be interested about my health".

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Euthanasia and Religion Essay -- Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide

Euthanasia and Religion      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the world today, medical technology is so advanced that a terminally ill patient can be kept alive for months or even years - sometimes against the will of the patient. When did suicide become a sin, and who decided that it was? "Opinion polls consistently show a majority of people professing all varieties of faiths support a change in the law for voluntary euthanasia. Even amongst Roman Catholics, more people support euthanasia than oppose (a poll in Scotland showed over 50% support), in spite of the church's opposition" (Religion and the Right to Die 1). And still in the United States assisted suicide is illegal in all but one state, Oregon.    "Official church policies usually oppose euthanasia. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest single funder opposed to euthanasia. It invests more money in its fight against euthanasia than all the combined resources of right to die societies around the world many times over" (R&RD 1).    In today's society, few churches prohibit passive euthanasia - where the patient refuses treatment or medication. The Evangelicals, Islam and the Mormon Church are faiths that restrict any type of euthanasia - passive, active or voluntary and involuntary. The most liberal of faiths Episcopalian, Unitarian, Methodist, Presbyterian and Quakers allow at least individual decision making in the choice for active euthanasia, as do the Hindu and Sikh religions. "Suicide (self-deliverance) is accepted by a number of faiths. There is the Jaina ethic of voluntary death through fasting. It is often thought that the Roman Catholic Church absolutely prohibits suicide, but Catholic theologians have confirmed that the prohibition, whilst being the Vatican's current ... ... would make if I were faced with the issue.    In my opinion, euthanasia is a moral grace to end the pain and suffering of terminal illness.          WORKS CITED Pavon, Father Frank "Brief Reflections on Euthanasia" April 2, 2001   Ã‚  Ã‚>  Ã‚   1- 8.    Euthanasia: The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, April 2, 2001   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-4 Euthanasia. April 1, 2001   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-3.    Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide: "All Sides of the Issue" April 2, 2001   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-17.    Religion and the Right to Die. March 22, 2001.   Ã‚  Ã‚   1-4 Roy, Vance. Personal Interview, April 15, 2001. Via Internet email.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Howard Zinn

A People's History of the united States Chapter 9 Summary Chapter nine of Howard Zinn's book explains slavery before and after the Civil War. The majority of the united States Government was in support of slavery until Abraham Lincoln publicized his support for the end of slavery. This chapter Includes details of slavery from the accounts of different slaves and records kept about their oppression. Their servitude was preserved through the separation of their families, whipping, and killing. Prior to the Civil War there were many failed attempts to abolish slavery, such asJohn Brown's Raid. John Brown was later executed by Virginia for his failure to capture the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry which instigated a revolt of slaves throughout the South. The government did not wish to achieve the abolishment of slavery through revolts. Abraham Lincoln was able to combine the interests of the white elite and the blacks. When Lincoln was elected, the South felt that their way of life was being threatened over the issue of abolishing slavery. This threat caused eleven states to secede the union after Lincoln's election.This secession created the Confederacy, starting the beginning of the Civil War. With Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation he tried to end the war. This gave the South four months to end Its rebellion, slavery In the states that turned over to the North would not be touched. Through the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks were now able to serve In the union army which was later issued January 1, 1863. The Thirteenth Amendment was later ratified by the Senate in April 1 864 and the House of Representatives followed in January 1865.All people born or naturalized in the united States are citizens was declared by the Fourteenth Amendment, which limited states' rights concerning racial equality. The Fifteenth Amendment states that all citizens have the right vote and they shall not be denied on reason of race, color, or previous condition of enslavement. These amendments opened the door to Congress passing laws to make it a crime to deny blacks of their rights. Blacks began forming political organizations with these laws.Andrew Johnson, who was Lincoln's Vice President and ecame President after Lincoln's assassination, held back the blacks. He vetoed bills that Improved the rights of the blacks. These vetoes did not guarantee equal rights for blacks. The Senate and Congress did not like the actions of Johnson. The Congress, in 1868, were almost successful in their attempt to impeach Johnson and were only one vote short in the Senate. The election of Ulysses Grant as president would reopen the doors for blacks, they began to be elected into the United States Congress, Senate, and southern state legislatures.Black women began helping to rebuild postwar south and black children began going to school. Although it looked as if blacks were starting to become equals there was still a lot of antagonism towards them and dependency on whites for w ork. The Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist groups were formed through the use of the South's economic power. Not much later were thing back to where they began. It would still be a long time before blacks began to be treated as equals. A People's History 0T states cnapter 10 summary Howard Zinn A People's History of the united States Chapter 9 Summary Chapter nine of Howard Zinn's book explains slavery before and after the Civil War. The majority of the united States Government was in support of slavery until Abraham Lincoln publicized his support for the end of slavery. This chapter Includes details of slavery from the accounts of different slaves and records kept about their oppression. Their servitude was preserved through the separation of their families, whipping, and killing. Prior to the Civil War there were many failed attempts to abolish slavery, such asJohn Brown's Raid. John Brown was later executed by Virginia for his failure to capture the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry which instigated a revolt of slaves throughout the South. The government did not wish to achieve the abolishment of slavery through revolts. Abraham Lincoln was able to combine the interests of the white elite and the blacks. When Lincoln was elected, the South felt that their way of life was being threatened over the issue of abolishing slavery. This threat caused eleven states to secede the union after Lincoln's election.This secession created the Confederacy, starting the beginning of the Civil War. With Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation he tried to end the war. This gave the South four months to end Its rebellion, slavery In the states that turned over to the North would not be touched. Through the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks were now able to serve In the union army which was later issued January 1, 1863. The Thirteenth Amendment was later ratified by the Senate in April 1 864 and the House of Representatives followed in January 1865.All people born or naturalized in the united States are citizens was declared by the Fourteenth Amendment, which limited states' rights concerning racial equality. The Fifteenth Amendment states that all citizens have the right vote and they shall not be denied on reason of race, color, or previous condition of enslavement. These amendments opened the door to Congress passing laws to make it a crime to deny blacks of their rights. Blacks began forming political organizations with these laws.Andrew Johnson, who was Lincoln's Vice President and ecame President after Lincoln's assassination, held back the blacks. He vetoed bills that Improved the rights of the blacks. These vetoes did not guarantee equal rights for blacks. The Senate and Congress did not like the actions of Johnson. The Congress, in 1868, were almost successful in their attempt to impeach Johnson and were only one vote short in the Senate. The election of Ulysses Grant as president would reopen the doors for blacks, they began to be elected into the United States Congress, Senate, and southern state legislatures.Black women began helping to rebuild postwar south and black children began going to school. Although it looked as if blacks were starting to become equals there was still a lot of antagonism towards them and dependency on whites for w ork. The Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist groups were formed through the use of the South's economic power. Not much later were thing back to where they began. It would still be a long time before blacks began to be treated as equals. A People's History 0T states cnapter 10 summary

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

French Expressions Using Vouloir

French Expressions Using Vouloir The French verb vouloir literally means to want and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to hold a grudge, only half want something, wish someone well, and more with this list of expressions with vouloir. Possible Meanings of Vouloir to wantto claim, assertto expectto need, require Vouloir has a different meaning in certain verb tenses and moods. Expressions with Vouloir vouloir manger/boireto want something to eat/drinkvouloir absolumentto be dead set on, determined tovouloir biento really want toVouloir, cest pouvoir (proverb)Where theres a will theres a wayvouloir de food/drinkto want somevouloir direto meanvouloir du bien quelquunto wish someone wellvouloir du mal quelquunto wish someone ill/harmvouloir faire quelque choseto want to do somethingvouloir que quelquun fasse quelque choseto want someone to do somethingvouloir que quelque chose se fasseto want something to be donevouloir quelque chose de quelquunto want something from someonevouloir sans vouloirto only half wanten vouloir (informal)to want/be raring to goen vouloir (informal)to be mad at (someone), be after (something)ne pas vouloir blesser quelquunto not mean to hurt someonene pas vouloir quon se croie obligà ©to not want someone to feel obligedne pas vouloir de quelquun/quelque choseto not want someone/somethingne plus vouloir de quelquun/quelque choseto no longer want someone /somethingsans le vouloirunintentionally, inadvertentlysans vouloir te/vous vexerno offensesen vouloir de infinitiveto be annoyed with oneself forÇa va comme tu veux? (informal)Is everything all right/OK?comme le veut la loiaccording to the law, as the law requirescomme le veut la traditionaccording to traditionComme tu veux / vous voulezAs you like/wish/please, Have it your way, Suit yourselfComment voulez-vous que je sache  ?How should I know?, How do you expect me to know?Comment veux-tu / voulez-vous que subjunctive  ?How do you expect (s.o. to do s.t.)?faire de quelquun ce quon veutto do what one likes with someone, to twist someone around his/her little fingerLe feu na pas voulu prendrethe fire wouldnt light ou catchle hasard voulut queas luck would have it... en veux-tu en voil (informal)tons of...Il y a des problà ¨mes en veux-tu en voil (informal)There are tons of problemsIls en voulaient sa vieThey wanted him deadJaurais voulu que vous voyiez sa tà ªte  !I wish you could have seen his face!Jaurais voulu ty voir  !Id like to see what youd have done!Je men voudrais  !Not on your life!Je ne ten veux pasIm not mad at you, No hard feelingsJe ne voudrais pas abuserI dont want to imposeJe veux  ! (familiar)You bet! Id love to!Je veux bienYes, pleaseJe veux bien le croire mais ...Id like to believe him but ...Je voudrais que vous voyiez sa tà ªte  !I wish you could see his face!Je voulais te/vous dire...I wanted, meant to tell you...Je voudrais bien voir à §a  !Id like to see that!Je voudrais ty voir  !Id like to see you try!Le malheur a voulu quil subjunctiveHe had the misfortune to...Moi je veux bien, mais...Fair enough, but ...Ne men veuillez pasDont hold it against meNe men veux pas (informal)Dont hold it against meQuand on veut, on peut (proverb)Where theres a will theres a wayQuest-ce que tu veux / vous voulez  ?What can you do?, What do you expect?Que veux-tu / voulez-vous  ?What can you do?, What do you expect?Que voulez-vous quon y fasse  ?What do you expect us/them to do about it?Quest-ce que tu veux que je te dise  ?What can I say? what do you want me to say?Que lui voulez-vous  ?What do you want with him?Quest-ce quil me veut, celui-l  ? (info rmal)What does he want from me? quil le veuille ou nonwhether he likes it or notsavoir ce quon veutto know what one wantsSi tu veuxIf you like/want, If you willSi tu voulais bien le faireIf youd be kind enough to do itSi vous le voulez bienIf you dont mindSi vous voulez bien me suivreThis way, pleaseTu las voulu  !You asked for it!Tu lauras voulu  !Itll be your own fault! Youll have brought it on yourself!Tu ne men veux pas  ?No hard feelings?Tu veux bien leur dire que...Would you please tell them that ...Lusage veut que...Custom requires that...Veuillez agrà ©er/croire... (business letter)Please accept...Veuillez croire toute ma sympathiePlease accept my deepest sympathyVeux-tu (bien) infinitive  !Will you (please) ...!Veux-tu que je te dise/raconte pourquoi...  ?Shall I tell you why ...?Voudriez-vous avoir lobligeance/lamabilità © de...Would you be so kind as to ...Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir  ?Do you want to sleep with me tonight?se vouloirto claim to be, to be supposed to beVouloir conj ugations

Monday, October 21, 2019

College of Arts †Undergraduate Admission Essay

College of Arts – Undergraduate Admission Essay Free Online Research Papers Describe your intellectual interests, their evolution, and what makes them exciting to you. Tell us how you will utilize the academic programs in the College of Arts and Sciences to further explore your interests, intended major, or field of study. (max 500 words) Peeking through the immense world with my miniature self, the world seemed so beautiful and adventurous. Many questions emerged in my head regarding this mysterious globe. My mom automatically became the source of the answers. â€Å"Why is the sky blue, mom?† â€Å"Because a big ball full of blue paint exploded in the sky.† â€Å"Why are there lightning and thunders, mom?† â€Å"Because a bad fairy with a flashlight is playing catch with a bad goblin with a hammer.† As I grew up, my curiosity became even more extravagant. Mom knew that she couldn’t concoct answers anymore. In order to shield away from my incessant questions, she came home with a huge encyclopaedia one day. This huge book of knowledge explained practically all of the phenomenon that I wanted to know. This book helped me begin my path of learning the interesting world of life. Whenever I found anything that I was curious about, I went straight to my treasure – the encyclopaedia. I was so ecstatic once when I found out that plants are green because they have a pigment called chlorophyll, not because the god is an impeccable stylist and thinks that the color green complements the blue sky, which was the answer my mom gave me. Some leaves change colors during the autumn because the enzymes that make up chlorophyll don’t work during the cold weather and not because god always becomes bored of green during autumn and wants more colors on Earth. Thus, I have continued gaining knowledge through that thick encyclopaedia. The event of my sister being sick and seeing such an incapable doctor changed my road of learning to the human body. I couldn’t believe that such a highly educated and respected being who has the art of healing could be so cruel and rude to people. From then on, I was extremely determined to become a caring doctor that could aid and heal people. All of a sudden, Gr. 11 biology class rolled around. I was extremely confident going into that class as I knew I already had more knowledge than most people in the room. I wasn’t nervous at all going into my first quiz in biology even though my teacher had notoriety for being the most difficult teacher in school. My confidence fell exponentially when I saw how difficult the test was. All of a sudden, I started to doubt myself. Am I really good at biology? Do I have what it takes to become a doctor? All of the worries and apprehension haunted me every night. For that while, I just lied awake in my bed at night, not moving, just contemplating about my future in biology. Doesn’t one have to be good at biology to call it an interest? A week, later, I received my test, the mark is even lower than what I expected the lowest mark that I’ve ever gotten in my life! At that time I really felt like that my interest for biology was futile. I’ve been moody for such a long time that my despondency had started to negatively influence my other subjects too. I lied on my bed without sleeping; I didn’t even have the energy to go on to that imaginary world. I realized one day that I couldn’t carry on like this anymore. I loved biology way too much to give it up for an insignificant quiz. I took action. I went to ask my biology teacher for help. We talked and I told her that I studied biology by myself and was shocked to find out that I was incapable of receiving a decent mark on the first quiz. She aided me a lot and told me what I should focus on when answering questions. I persevered and, in the end, received a 91% in that class. This grade eleven biology class made me love biology even more, and most importantly, taught me to take it more seriously. What makes biology so intriguing and fascinating to me is the fact that I can understand the human body much better. I become so excited when the television or the radio explains a theory, a disease or a function of a specific part that I already was familiar with. The most exciting part about biology is that people can have the ability to heal illnesses with the knowledge of biology. My goal in life is to help others and make others and myself happy. Biology is definitely the path that I can take to fulfill my goal. Unequivocally, the College of Arts and Sciences is the direction that I need to go in order to enrich my knowledge in biology. With the numerous experiments and lessons that I will be most fortunately to attend, my interest for biology would be expanding further away. I am excited to go to university, Cornell above all others, to embark onto the journey that will take me to happiness and fulfillment. Research Papers on College of Arts - Undergraduate Admission EssayThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsStandardized TestingThe Spring and AutumnTrailblazing by Eric AndersonBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm X19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMind TravelHip-Hop is ArtEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Symbolism In “The Lottery”

Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery is a short story about a particular village whose people enact a very strange and bizarre custom. Every year, the whole village gathers together to draw lots and to determine the winner of the lottery. The person that ends up with the black dot at the end wins the lottery and his/her reward is death by stoning. One thing that is quite striking about Jackson’s writing style is her use of symbolism to get her point across, especially the ‘Black Box’, and the names that she chose for her characters. In the story, the black box is of great importance. Firstly, the colour of the box is black, and there’s no reason to doubt that this was chosen intentionally, as the colour black in most cultures represents darkness, destruction and death, and the box does indeed bring death. Another meaning of the box is that it provides a sort of a bond and a link to the previous generations, hence whenever Mr. Summers started talking about getting a new box, the people would refuse, not wanting â€Å"†¦to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box†. The black box is taken out during summer only and the rest of the year it is put away in one place or another. The idea behind this could be deduced from the saying: â€Å"Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon†. Since the villagers believe that one of lottery’s functions is to provide them with a good harvest, during the rest of the year the significance of the box is lost. This could also imply th at except during the time of need, the villagers forget their ancestors and their traditions. Another clever use of symbolism is in the characters’ names themselves. Mr. Summers conducts the lottery every summer. Mr. Graves carries the stool for the black box. He also is the one who helps Mr. Summers make up the slips ultimately deciding whose ‘grave’ will be next. Old Man Warner is the oldest person in the village and the strongest supporter of the... Free Essays on Symbolism In â€Å"The Lottery† Free Essays on Symbolism In â€Å"The Lottery† Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery is a short story about a particular village whose people enact a very strange and bizarre custom. Every year, the whole village gathers together to draw lots and to determine the winner of the lottery. The person that ends up with the black dot at the end wins the lottery and his/her reward is death by stoning. One thing that is quite striking about Jackson’s writing style is her use of symbolism to get her point across, especially the ‘Black Box’, and the names that she chose for her characters. In the story, the black box is of great importance. Firstly, the colour of the box is black, and there’s no reason to doubt that this was chosen intentionally, as the colour black in most cultures represents darkness, destruction and death, and the box does indeed bring death. Another meaning of the box is that it provides a sort of a bond and a link to the previous generations, hence whenever Mr. Summers started talking about getting a new box, the people would refuse, not wanting â€Å"†¦to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box†. The black box is taken out during summer only and the rest of the year it is put away in one place or another. The idea behind this could be deduced from the saying: â€Å"Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon†. Since the villagers believe that one of lottery’s functions is to provide them with a good harvest, during the rest of the year the significance of the box is lost. This could also imply th at except during the time of need, the villagers forget their ancestors and their traditions. Another clever use of symbolism is in the characters’ names themselves. Mr. Summers conducts the lottery every summer. Mr. Graves carries the stool for the black box. He also is the one who helps Mr. Summers make up the slips ultimately deciding whose ‘grave’ will be next. Old Man Warner is the oldest person in the village and the strongest supporter of the...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Variables The Internet Users and Democracy Score Research Paper

Variables The Internet Users and Democracy Score - Research Paper Example This research paper examines that In most of the third world countries, the development process has not been fully conceptualized. Slums are on the extreme end of capital cities and people survive on less than a dollar a day. The rate of internet consumption is still not high and democracy is in its primary stages. Information is only limited to a few number of people and the rest, the low-income earners, are subjected to doctored information that is useless. Opinion leaders are left with the mandate of spreading this information, a role with which they perform with zeal and zest in propagating lies. The rules and regulations that govern internet consumption have been tightened to ensure minimal or no criticism is directed to the Government. Again, it all depends with the Government of the day. From the above theoretical argument, it’s imperative to note that certain factors ought to be put into consideration. These factors include internet connectivity and ignorance from the target group of people. This group of people may not be willing to use the internet like in the third world countries mostly in Africa, the level of ignorance is very high. This theory seeks to establish a footing in the long run on the principal independent variable which forms an analysis the relationship between democracy and the independent variables. The result of this will form a multivariate linear regression model to establish the exact number in terms of variance democratization across nations can be accounted for by the internet.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Comparison between the Greek Crisis of 2010 with the Argentinean Dissertation

Comparison between the Greek Crisis of 2010 with the Argentinean crisis of 2001 - Dissertation Example .†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦17 Chapter 4 Conclusions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..23 Chapter 5 Reflective Report†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..25 Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...28 ABSTRACT This paper attempts to study the Greek Financial Crisis of 2009 and the Argentinean Crisis of 2001 in a comparative framework. The idea is to deduce a policy remedy for Greece to recov er from the recession. The primary issues addressed in this paper comprise the state of the economies of the two countries at the time of recession, the sovereign bond default and its causes. The research tries to compare the policy situations of the two countries to evaluate the effectiveness of the Argentinean policy measures to fight the Greek Crisis. In this situation the paper concludes that though there are similarities in the two situations and issues of concern, but they are not identical. The magnitude of the Greek crisis is much more and consequences much graver due to the ongoing crisis in the global financial markets. Hence the Greek government needs to tread a more unconventional path than Argentina. The government has to depend on the foreign assistance to resurrect itself in the absence of a healthy global financial market. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS IMF International Monetary Fund EU European Union ECB European Central Bank ACB Argentinean Currency Board EC European Commi ssion UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1.... In this paper we studied the emergence of the Greek Crisis in Europe at the backdrop of the global crisis. We delved into the causes of the crisis and compared it with similar experience of recession in the past in other parts of the world. In this context we took a particular interest in the Argentinean Crisis of 2001 because of the conventional policies adopted by the country in fighting their crisis and the success they achieved in reaching their goals. Our primary interest in this paper was if the same model to tackle a recession could be applied for the case of Greek recession. In this scenario we tried to evaluate the situation of the two economies and considered all the channels Greece can assume. We also considered the consequences of the crisis and its impact on the partner economies as well as the global financial situation. That helped us to judge the severity of the crisis and hence the interests of the national and international agencies to help Greece. Our method of ana lysis has been mostly a comparative study of the Greek crisis with the Argentinean crisis and an advantage and disadvantages of the solutions Greek can adopt. In comparison to the Argentinean crisis we noted that both the countries share some similarity in leaning on credit for loan servicing as well as personal consumption. There was also a degenerated trade system owing to overvaluation of currency and wage price rigidity in both the countries.

SOCIALIZATION - POLITICAL SCIENCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

SOCIALIZATION - POLITICAL SCIENCE - Essay Example The left (democrats) claim that the rights to marry should not be intruded upon. I think people should be allowed to exercise their rights (Martin 93). If homosexuals think that gay marriage is good for them, they should be permitted to do it; marry the ones they love based on their informed decisions. Also, as the left speak about their rights that gay marriages should be allowed, I am reminded of my secondary school pal who was believed to be a gay. When the suspect was discovered by other students she was neglected badly and yet nobody had a proof on the same. The student was chased from school without enough evidence; I wish there could be rights to protect such victims. Second, memories of leadership which I learned in secondary school were handy in my liberalism since I learned that institutions or parties are different from leaders. Having heard the poor representation of political parties on the right and on the left, I decided to be a liberal since I discovered that whether a leader is a republican or a democrat as long as he or she can listen to its people, the party will not matter. Based on real leadership, our county can be a good place to be due to its governance; a government for the people, of the people and by the people. Looking at the mess created by the former president of United States: Bush, in banking, market and oil issues among others, it is a fact that the mess will not be fixed by either a republican or a democrat. People might not like what Obama is doing but allow me to say he is trying. Give a Republican to rule United States but magic will not be done to fix the mess. Being a liberal I advocate for good leaders but not goo d parties; right and left will not help (Martin 100). Third, when I was in college I change my mind due to advanced level of thinking; I realized that foreigners are important people in our society since they provide labor. Many foreigners owning businesses, good cars,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Career Development of Muslim Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Career Development of Muslim Women - Essay Example The research design that is selected for the study is an exploratory research design, in order to understand the things deeply. As explained by Zechmeister et al., (1997) survey research represents a general approach to be used when the research design is implemented. Survey research is the method of gathering data from respondents thought to be representative of some population using an instrument composed of close structure or open-ended items (questions). It is one of the most dominant forms of data collection in the social sciences gives for the proficient collection of data over broad populations, agreeable to self-administration, administration in person, by telephone, via email, and on the internet. The primary data is to be collected by conducting field research that involves face to face interviews, surveys, questionnaires and focused group interviews. Primary research involves the use of primary data for the collection of data. Primary data are that information that is collected for the first time. The primary research will be especially useful since it will provide a guideline to the most current data available on this topic from Muslim women who are about to reach either supervisory or managerial positions and also from female who are about to enter the workforce. This will help to give an idea about what challenges they face and how they feel they will compare themselves with foreigners in the workplace. There are many advantages that have been identified in the use of the survey method.

Explain the importance of the liver in detoxificationexcretion and teh Essay

Explain the importance of the liver in detoxificationexcretion and teh function of the immune, digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems and hence in hum - Essay Example Each capillary then leads into a lobule. Liver tissue is collection of thousands of such lobules. These lobules are made up of hepatic cells which are the basic metabolic cells of the liver (, 2000). The liver is a complex organ. It performs over 500 different functions. Some of the functions include: to produce substances that break down fats, convert glucose to glycogen, produce urea which is the main substance of urine, make certain amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins, filter harmful substances from the blood such as alcohol, storage of vitamins and minerals (vitamins A, D, K and B12) and maintain a proper level or glucose in the blood. The liver is also responsible for producing cholesterol and it is estimated that it produces about 80% of the cholesterol in the body (, 2000). Among these functions the two of most important functions is to control of amino acid concentration and detoxification. Urea is produced in the liver and is a metabolite of amino acids. Ammonium ions are produced due to the breakdown of amino acids. And these ammonium ions are used in the biosynthesis of nitrogen compounds and excess ammonium ions are converted to urea (Royal Society of Chemistry, N.D.). The liver's basic functions are three fold: Vascular, Secretory and Metabolic. In other words it plays an important role in the major systems of the body, particularly in the digestive, circulatory and endocrine systems of the human body. In simple terms the vascular function includes being a major blood reservoir, filtering over a liter of blood every minute. The liver effectively removes bacteria, endotoxins, antibody complexes and various other particles from the circulation. The liver is one of the most vital organs in the body when it comes to detoxifying or getting rid of toxins. The liver plays a key role in most metabolic processes, particularly detoxification. The liver neutralizes a broad range of toxic chemicals, both those produced inside the body and those coming from the external environment. In human system the normal metabolic processes produce a wide range of chemicals and hormones and it is worth mentioning that the liver has evolved as an efficient neutralizing mechanisms. If it was not for the liver, then our bodies would have been full of toxics and would have become very difficult for the survival. There is tremendous change in the environment in recent years and it is continuously pumped with toxic chemicals every day. Human beings are as a result exposed to these chemicals. The food we eat is contaminated with pesticides, the air we breathe contains several poisonous gases, and the water we drink has chemicals. In other words many of the toxic chemicals come from the environment: the content of the bowels and the food, water, and air. The harmful polycyclic hydrocarbons such as DDT, dioxin, 2,3-D, PCB, 2,4,5-T and PCP are the basic components of various herbicides and pesticides. And these are example of chemicals that are now found in almost all fat tissues measured. Even those eating unprocessed organic foods need an effective detoxification system because all foods contain naturally occurring toxic constituents. Hence in all these cases liver plays the most important role of detoxification. The liver plays these vital roles in detoxification through the following processes: it filters the blood to remove large toxins, synthesizes

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Career Development of Muslim Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Career Development of Muslim Women - Essay Example The research design that is selected for the study is an exploratory research design, in order to understand the things deeply. As explained by Zechmeister et al., (1997) survey research represents a general approach to be used when the research design is implemented. Survey research is the method of gathering data from respondents thought to be representative of some population using an instrument composed of close structure or open-ended items (questions). It is one of the most dominant forms of data collection in the social sciences gives for the proficient collection of data over broad populations, agreeable to self-administration, administration in person, by telephone, via email, and on the internet. The primary data is to be collected by conducting field research that involves face to face interviews, surveys, questionnaires and focused group interviews. Primary research involves the use of primary data for the collection of data. Primary data are that information that is collected for the first time. The primary research will be especially useful since it will provide a guideline to the most current data available on this topic from Muslim women who are about to reach either supervisory or managerial positions and also from female who are about to enter the workforce. This will help to give an idea about what challenges they face and how they feel they will compare themselves with foreigners in the workplace. There are many advantages that have been identified in the use of the survey method.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

John Smith, Roger Williams, and Mary Rowlandson present vastly Personal Statement

John Smith, Roger Williams, and Mary Rowlandson present vastly different views of Native Americans. How do you account for the differences - Personal Statement Example â€Å"Sixty or seventy of them, some black, some red, some white, some partly colored, came in a square order, singing and dancing out of the woods with their Okee†43. While having these positive sides, Smith describe them as being barbaric shows the negative aspect of the natives. This view was due to the torture he received from the natives when they imprisoned him. Robert William on the other hand describe native Indians as being industrious and rich for having the desire to trade with them instead of killing them. The difference in how Robert sees the Native Americans can be accounted for by the fact that he was a Christian minister who saw the natives as being equal to the white settlers. This can be seen through his vision of having peace and harmony between the Europeans and the settlers and the Natives who were fighting over land. Mary Rawlandson describes natives Americans as noble savages. This difference in views is seen by the fact that she did not like their lifestyle especially during the early period of her captivity. However, with time she came to admire this for their ability to survive under harsh environments with very limited amounts of resources. In turn she also came to learn how to survive in the environment. This difference in views is also seen by the fact that the natives showed her nobility through appreciating that she was a religious woman and therefore, giving her permission to respect the Sabbath day. â€Å"When Sabbath came they bade me to work but I told them it was the Sabbath day and desire them to let me rest, and I would do more tomorrow† 237. Despite of this, she still considered them as the enemy for capturing holding her hostage that led to the death of her children. In conclusion, it can be seen that the paper accounts the difference in views where John Smith considers them mainly as

Binomial and Black and Scholes Pricing models Essay Example for Free

Binomial and Black and Scholes Pricing models Essay The binomial and the Black and Schole models are option valuing models, the Binomial model involves determining the value of options using a tree like format whereby the value of the option is determined by the expiration time period of the option and volatility, for the Black and Schole model the value of options is determined by simply getting a derivative that helps get the discount rates of options. Binomial pricing model: The binomial pricing model was introduced by Ross, Cox and Rubinstein in 1979; it provides a numerical method, in which valuation of options can be undertaken. Application: This model breaks down the option into many potential outcomes during the time period of the option, this steps form a tree like format where by the model assumes that the value of the option will rise or go down, this value is calculated and it is determined by the expiration time and volatility. Finally at the end of the tree of the option the final possible value is determined because the value is equal to the intrinsic value. Assumptions: †¢ The model also assumes that the market is efficient in that people cannot predict the direction of change in the stock prices. †¢ The interest rates are constant and known and therefore they do not change in the time we consider an option. †¢ The model assumes that there are no dividends paid during the period in which one considers the option. †¢ The model assumes that the returns on the stocks are normally distributed. †¢ It also assumes that no commission is paid when buying or selling stock.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Expressions for Velocity of Sound in Different Media

Expressions for Velocity of Sound in Different Media VELOCITY OF SOUND WAVE IN STRINGS: The velocity, V of a sound wave in strings is given by the expression. V= , = mass per unit length or linear density = Where r =radius of the wire, = density of material of the string or wire and T = tension VELOCITY OF SOUND WAVE IN SOLIDS The velocity, V of a sound wave in a solid is given by the expression: Where E = Young’s modulus of the material, = density of the solid or material. VELOCITY OF SOUND WAVE IN LIQUID The velocity, V of a sound wave in a liquid is given by the expression: Where B = Bulk Modulus of the liquid, = density of the liquid. VELOCITY OF SOUND WAVE IN A GAS The velocity, V of a sound wave in a gas is given by the expression Where M = molecular mass, R = molar gas constant, = ratio of the two specific heat capacities of a gas, P = pressure and = density VELOCITY OF WATER WAVE For deep water waves, V = For shallow water waves, V= For surface ripples, V = Where = wavelength, d = depth of water, = surface tension, =density of water, g = acceleration due to gravity. The Harmonic Oscillator Consider a simple pendulum consisting of a mass-less string of length ‘l’ and a point like object of mass ‘m’ attached to one end called the bob. Suppose the string is fixed at the other end and is initially pulled out at an angle from the vertical and released from rest from the figure below. Neglect any dissipation due to air resistance or frictional forces acting at the pivot. Diagram Note Is defined with respect to the equilibrium position. When, the bob has moved to the right. When, the bob has moved to the left. Coordinate system free-body force diagram Tangential component of the gravitational force is (1) Note The tangential force tends to restore the pendulum to the equilibrium value. If and if . The angle is restricted to the range . the string would go slack. The tangential component of acceleration is (2) Newton’s second law, , yields (3) T= (4) Simple Harmonic Motion Diagram The object is attached to one end of a spring. The other end of the spring is attached to a wall at the left in the figure above. Assume that the object undergoes one-dimensional motion. The spring has a spring constant k and equilibrium length (l). Note x>0 corresponds to an extended spring. x Therefore (5) Newton’s second law in the x-direction becomes (6) Equation 6 is called the simple harmonic oscillator equation. Because the spring force depends on the distance x, the acceleration is not constant. is constant of proportionality Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion Diagram (7) (8) It is easy to calculate the velocity for a given t value (9) And the energy associated with (10) A stretched or compressed spring has certain potential energy. Diagrams ( Hooke’s law) in order to stretch the spring from O to X one need to do work; the force changes, so we have to integrate: W= (11) Note This work is stored in the spring as its potential energy U. So, for the oscillator considered, the energy U is: U= (12) Therefore, the total energy is: (13) (14) (15) (16) Equation (16) is a famous expression for the energy of a harmonic oscillator. Note Where A is the maximum displacement. The total energy is constant in time(t), but there is continuous process of converting to kinetic energy to potential energy, and then K back to U. K reaches maximum twice every cycle (when passing through x=0)’ and U reaches maximum twice, at the turning point. Diagram0 In this graph time(t) was set to zero when the mass passed the x=0 point. Finally, we can use the principle of conservation of energy to obtain velocity for an arbitrary position by expressing the total energy position as (17) (18) (19) Example 1 A 200g block connected to a light spring for which the force constant is 5.00N/m is free to oscillate on a horizontal, frictionless surface. The block is displaced 5.00cm from equilibrium and released from rest. Find the period of its motion Determine the maximum speed of the block What is the maximum acceleration of the block? Express the position, speed and acceleration as function of time. Example 2 A 0.500Kg cart connected to a light spring for which the force constant is 20.0N oscillates on a horizontal, frictionless air track. Calculate the total energy of the system and the maximum speed of the cart if the amplitude of the motion is 3.0cm What is the velocity of the cart when the position is 2.00cm? Compute the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the system when the position is 2.00cm. Energy in waves Note Waves transport energy when they propagate through a medium. Consider a sinusoidal wave travelling on a string. The source of the energy is some external agent at the left end of the string, which does work in producing the oscillations. We can consider the string to be a non-isolated system. As the external agent performs work on the end of the string, moving it up and down, energy enters the system of the string and propagates along its length. Let us focus our attention on an element of the string of length and mass . Each element moves vertically with SHM. Thus, we can model each element of the string as simple harmonic oscillator (SHO), with the oscillation in the y direction. All elements have the same angular frequency and the same amplitude A. The kinetic energy K associated with a moving particle is: K= (20) If we apply this equation to an element of length and mass, we shall see that the kinetic energy of this element is (21) is the transverse speed of the element. If is the mass per unit length of the string, then the mass of the element of length is equal to. Hence, we can express the kinetic energy of an element of the string as (22) As the length of the element of the string shrinks to zero, this becomes a differential relationship: (23) Using the general transverse speed of a simple harmonic oscillator (24) (25) (26) If we take a snapshot of the wave at time t=0, then the kinetic energy of a given element is: (27) Let us integrate this expression over all the string elements in a wavelength of the wave, which will give us the total kinetic energy in one wavelength: (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) Note In addition to kinetic energy, each element of the string has potential energy associated with it due to its displacement from the equilibrium position and the restoring forces from neighbouring elements. A similar analysis to that above for the total potential energy in one wavelength will give exactly the same result: (33) The total energy in one wavelength of the wave is the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy (34) (35) As the wave moves along the string, this amount the energy passes by a given point on the string during a time interval of one period of the oscillation. Thus, the power, or rate of energy transfer, associated with the wave is: (36) (37) (38) (39) Note This expression shows that the rate of energy transfer by a sinusoidal wave on a string is proportional to The square of the frequency The square of the amplitude And the wave speed. Put differently, Is the rate of energy transfer in any sinusoidal wave that is proportional to the square of its amplitude. Example A taut string for which is under a tension of 8.00N.How much power must be supplied to the string to generate sinusoidal waves at a frequency of 60.0Hz and an amplitude of 6.00cm? STANDING WAVES Stationary Waves Stationary wave is produced if the waveform does not move in the direction of either incident or the reflected wave. Alternatively, it is a wave formed due to the superposition of two waves of equal frequency and amplitude that are travelling in the opposite directions along the string. Note You can produce stationary wave on a rope if you tie one end of it to a wall and move the free end up and down continuously. Amazingly the superposition of the incident wave and the reflected wave produces the stationary wave in the rope. A standing wave is produced when a wave that is travelling is reflected back upon itself. Antinode is an area of maximum amplitude Node is an area of zero amplitude. COMPARISON BETWEEN PROGRESSIVE (TRAVELLING) WAVE AND STATIONARY (STANDING) WAVE. Example3 A wave is given by the equation y= 10sin2. Find the loop length frequency, velocity and maximum amplitude of the stationary wave produced. solution

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Democracy Essay -- Politics Voters Voting Essays

Democracy In the 2000 presidential election, less than 59% of our population saw fit to even vote. 80.5% of those voting were white, that's roughly 60% of the white population. Of the meager 19.5% of the vote the non-white population represented, less than 51% of non-whites able to vote actually did (Census). What does this mean? How can democracy – a republic like ours – correctly function without a more complete representation of opinion from its people? Former UCLA Law professor Julian Eule argued in his essay â€Å"Judicial Review of Direct Democracy† that the framers of our constitution set up the republic to in effect protect us from ourselves, to protect us from this sort of majority rule.(Eule) I believe that this misrepresentation is responsible for racist legislation and legislators. A recent NAACP resolution stated "The American people deserve political leaders who make clear, concise and well-reasoned decisions based on fact and clearly informed by all people involved, not leaders that perpetuate erroneous assumptions and ill-informed deductions based on racial and ethnic stereotypes," in reference to North Carolina Representative Howard Coble's remarks supporting former president Roosevelt's internment of the Japanese during World War II. (NAACP) The japanese internment has long been a dark blot on American history, but this legislator, this elected legislator seems to not represent a majority opinion of the people he represents. As well, NAACP president Kweisi Mfume remarked "President Bush continues to nominate right-wing extremists to the federal bench," in reference to the proposed confirmation of Jeffrey S. Sutton as a 6th Circuit Appeals Court judge, a position that demands a truly neutral position. Jeffrey S. ... ... the Total Voting-Age Population, by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, for States: November 2000 US Census Bureau 27 Feb. 2002 <> Julian N. Eule, â€Å"Judicial Review of Direct Democracy, â€Å" 99 Yale Law Journal 1503 1990. Anti-Affirmative Action Proposition Passes In California CNN AllPolitics 6 Nov. 1996 < california.209/index.shtml> University of California Engineering Enrollment Rates (Undergraduate) Career Recruitment Media, Inc. 2003 < 01-01-t1.html> ACLU Says Expected White House Brief Opposing Minority Equality in College Admissions Shows Lack of Commitment to Racial Justice ACLU 15 Jan. 2003 < 11620&c=134>

Saturday, October 12, 2019

the stand :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King, Stephen. The Stand. New York: New York, 1978   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  tephen Edwin King was born on September 21, 1947 in Portland, Maine He was a surprise to the family because his mother was told that she would never have children. His parents, Donald and Nellie King, were having trouble in their marriage, and when Stephen King was only 2, his father, a door to door salesman for a company, left the house to buy a pack of cigarettes, but never returned. Stephen King hasn't seen his father since.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stephen and his adopted older brother, David King, lived with their mother back and forth between Massachusetts and Maine. And his passion for writing came about in 1959 when he wrote articles in his brothers local newspaper titled Daves Rag. Copied on a mimeograph machine, and with a circulation of only 20 or so Stephen wrote articles. Inspired by the relative success, Stephen copied some of his short stories and sold them to local people for a whole thirty cents. Stephen actually sold some of his work at school until teachers stopped it. And that’s how he started his carrier in writing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The setting of the story takes place in 1991 in America. A plague struck the U.S. only leaving a few thousand survivors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the year 1991, a plague strikes America, leaving only a few thousand people alive who are immune to the epidemic. Of the survivors, those who serve G-d instinctively join in Boulder, Colorado, while those who worship the Dark Man are drawn to Las Vegas, Nevada. The two groups separately rebuild society, until one must destroy the other. Franni Goldsmith comes very close to killing herself. She thinks she can not deal with her parents' deaths, being unwed and pregnant, and having the only other survivor in her hometown of Ogunquit, Main be her recently deceased best friend's weird brother Harold Lauder. On their way, they meet up with six people from various states in the United States who joined them on their journey. Fran is disturbed by her dreams, as all of them are by their own. She dreams of an old lady named Abigail, in Colorado. This lady is kind and loving and promises to protect them from the evil. In the dreams there is also a Dark Man. He is always t here lurking, waiting to attack. Harold admits to himself that he is in love with Fran and goes crazy when he realizes how serious Fran has become with Stuart Redman, one of the newcomers to their traveling group.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Admission Essay Into Masters Of Science In Nursing

Nursing, I believe, is a profession that requires a caring attitude. This is the attitude that I currently foster as I trod down the path towards being a Licensed Practical Nurse. In the course of my research, I have learned about the Masters of Science in Nursing , Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP) Track program at the University of Tennessee, Memphis.The contents of the course seem very challenging as it involves several methods of instructing and equipping of the students. I have learned that the curriculum is a competency-based curriculum where the student can learn through a modified self-paced manner.The features in the course curriculum that appeal to me most are the nursing skill laboratory demonstrations as well as using audiovisual and computer educational programs and equipment. These two features are very vital in immersing students in the most thorough way possible in the Masteral aspects of Nursing.I was impressed upon seeing that clinical experts are actively involve d in programs of practice. Even the courses are technologically advanced as the courses in the MSN program are Web-mediated. The MSN program helps develop an advanced level of clinical competence that will surely give consumers with competent health care. It shall also develop a research base for a systematic review, testing and evaluation of nursing care actions.That means, there is a responsibility built into it. The research and practice foundation are also up to par with the higher studies that could be pursued later.As a nurse, one is responsible for the recovery and the safety of people who are immensely ill or injured people. A nurse is also tasked to maintain the health of those people who are already healthy. This role is important because of the range and scope of conditions that a nurse has to attend to.Knowing all of this, I have looked back and have seen that my passion for caring for other people when they are physically unable to care for themselves has prompted me to serve others as a nurse. I have also been exposed to the plight of the several millions of people in the world who are in need of medical and physical aid.This is one of my burdens as an applying masteral student of nursing—to know advanced skills in the care of the sick and to help cope with their pain and replace it with relief and cure.My academic goals are to be able to start strong and finish strong. I expect and want nothing else but the highest marks in each and every subject as I truly have a passion for the nursing profession. I hope to become a highly competent nurse and I am dead-set on making it a reality.I have also discovered that there are nursing career advancement opportunities available for those who are already registered nurses. These programs are specifically tailor-fit to my professional goal that is to continue on improving my career and myself. The programs for advancement focus on the strengthening of leadership capabilities and improvement of qualit y of care.I hope to be able to respond better in situations when utmost care is needed. For instance when I was assigned in the n the emergency room, I noticed an informal power structure that emerges as a result of routine interaction among multi-disciplinary healthcare staff that variably consists of ER aids, nurses, physicians, and social workers; sometimes even housekeeping and accounting staff.Here, power emanates not from hierarchy or status but from the demands of particular emergency situations. Usually the person who has more knowledge and ability to respond to the problem at hand exercises more power and induce others to take his lead.This informal power structure depends more on interdependence among department staffs since they are not within a bureaucratic relationship; that is, they do not have a boss-subordinate relationship. Circumstances compel them to share on the responsibility and accountability for particular situations, especially those involving life and death .Taking responsibility for my life now involves self-management competency. I believe in effective self-management that will do well in this new phase of my life. Often, when things do not go well, people tend to blame their difficulties on the situations in which they find themselves or on others.I have learned that effective self-management does not fall into this trap. Self-management competency includes integrity and ethical conduct and personal drive and resilience.My learning insight is that self-management does require much time and effort. I remember what Dee Hock, the man who built the powerhouse Visa card used by half a billion customers worldwide when he would often say to managers, â€Å"Invest at least 40 percent of your time managing yourself—your ethics, character, principles, purpose, motivation and conduct.†That is why I would like to invest myself in becoming an efficient and effective nurse at this University. I have the drive to do well in my batch and I also have the passion and burden for helping those who are physically ill.As a nurse, I will be able to both fulfill my professional goals as well as take the career path that I always see myself in. I will always be happy as a nurse because I am assured that I am doing a great service to those who are in need.REFERENCEMaster of Science in Nursing. The University of Tennessee. Retrieved Feb. 1, 2007 at:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Bird Came Down to the Walk

A Bird came down the  walk WRITTEN BY EMILY DICKINSON A Bird came down the walk Background †¢ Dickinson liked to write about small moments in life. †¢ She liked to write about moments between people and animals. Poem Stanza one †¢ From the first line we have the animal world entering the human world. The bird is oblivious to the presence of Dickinson. She watches on as the bird eats a worm. The use of the word ‘fellow’ is suggested to show how impolite this act is but it is only used as an element of humour. Dickinson finds this both fascinating and playful. Stanza two Dickinson continues the observation and continues to run with the gentleman theme and gives the bird an element of grace. By mentioning ‘Dew’ Dickinson shows how closely she is watching the bird as if under a microscope seeing all the minute elements perfectly. Stanza three †¢ There is a change in this stanza as the bird moves from one of grace and poise to one of caution as if it is watchful of possible threats. Even during this time of caution the bird manages to remain beautiful ‘Velvet Head’. Stanza four †¢ In this stanza the word cautious refers to both speaker and bird. While Dickinson tries to bridge the gap between man and animal the bird flying away shows that this will not happen. The bird’s flight is not shown as one of terror but rather with elegance as the bird retains its beauty. Stanza five †¢ This beauteous flight continues into stanza five. This flight is shown to be graceful and noiseless. By showing it this way Dickinson shows that the bird is graceful and is a natural part of this world disturbing nothing. She emphasises this by comparing it to more of nature’s creations. Points to note †¢ Expressing the beauty of nature †¢ Positive poem †¢ Use of imagery and punctuation key

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Who you are what defines who you are Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Who you are what defines who you are - Essay Example I was born and grown up in South Korea where I lived until I was 17 years old. I have come to the U.S to pursue my studies and higher goals in my life and to get more experience about the larger world. Currently, I’m planning to transfer to UCLA because my girlfriend is studying here. I’m a Christian in religion and an aspirant of economics in career (I did my Major in economics). Three essential factors that determine or define who I am today are money (I believe in the power of money in today’s world), my girlfriend (she has changed my life entirely), and my self-consciousness (I’ve always been self-conscious – so I bought an expensive car, fancy stuff, nice house, etc.). The most essential factor that defines who I am is money and I am very honest and frank in admitting that money is everything in my life. From my personal experience, I have realized that money is so powerful in contemporary world that it can resolve even the hard-hitting issues of daily life. Whenever I got into a trouble, money was powerful enough to solve it and get me relieved from the issue. Therefore, I believe in the power of money which can make real life for human beings. My education has been connected with my faith in the power of money and I have acquired my major in economics. All my education and career orientation have been directed towards the goal of achieving money in life. Economics can help me understand the various aspects of money and offer a means to earn the same. Secondly, I believe, it is the relationship with my girlfriend which has tremendously influenced my definition of what I am today. It is my girlfriend who has changed my life drastically and has influenced me in formulating my life. She has been the essential source of inspiration and courage in my life for the last several years. I am fortunate to enjoy her love and care all through the last several years and she has given me the real meaning of my life. Today, as I reflect on who I

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Relationship - Essay Example All of us, more often than not, have been subject to peer pressure in workplace. So, through this topic I wanted to explain some of the stages that many people like me have to go through to develop a good relation with a coworker who is intent on degrading you. I would be telling about the starting of our relationship, the enmity and back-stabbing challenges, the effect it had on both our lives and then the friendship. A new job just like a new relation bring excitement with it. But that balloon of excitement is punctured when you make an enemy on a very first day, either by choice or coincidence. There would always be someone in the workplace who would not exactly appreciate you. Similarly there was this person who was a few months senior but pretending to be my boss. I always thought he appreciated my work that is why I used to get ‘a lot’ of work but soon I realized he was bullying me into doing his work. I confronted him and it got loud. A point to remember is that insulting someone always put a huge negative pressure on a relation. So then it started him making fun of me in front of everyone or anyone. And me messing with his work, but one day I went too far and almost got him fired. That brought me back to my senses and as an ‘I am sorry’ present I did a particularly hard project for him as he was having some personal issue. I did it out of remorse but it touched a vital cord in his heart. And from then onwards all enmity and jealousy ceased to exist. So, the journey from enmity to a lifelong friendship made me realize that workplace stress due to peer pressure is something we can help if we try. My coworker and I became lifelong friends not because I helped him in need, but because we made an effort to stop the enmity, jealousy and back stabbing for a more comfortable environment. So, I rephrase my first question,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Leith Agency Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leith Agency - Case Study Example This is clearly evident in the Tennents Lager, a beer brand in Scotland, wherein it had good market share with one out of four pints consumed, but it wasn't popular among younger population. The question why younger lots were not drinking the Tennents Lager was a critical incident and the challenge was to make them believe that it was their brand (Lieth Agency case study). Lieth Agency can identify the critical incidents in the similar manner by analyzing the product and its marketability as in the above mentioned case. It is necessary to assess customer satisfaction as it is the best lead indicator of future loyalty as mentioned by Hill et al (2003:3). It is further stated that customer satisfaction will enable to know whether their expectations have been met, identify priorities for improvement for customer satisfaction and set goals for service improvement and monitor progress against a customer satisfaction index. Customer satisfaction is measure of how your organizations "total product" performs in relation to a set of customer requirements. (Hill et al, 2003:6). Similarly Vavra (1997:3) states that customer satisfaction measurement is formalized, objective tool for assessing how a business treats its clients and employees as well who testify that an organization is quality oriented. In regard to Leith Agency, the company can assess its customer satisfaction through product survey and its improvement index in terms of sales and its market share after the campaign. This will give an insight int o the effect of advertising campaign on the particular product which will in turn help in assessing the customer satisfaction. Merits of Servicescape Framework The concept of a servicescape developed by Booms and Bitner emphasizes the impact of the physical environment in which a service process takes place (Ghanghas,M n.d) wherein it plays an important role, both negative and positive, in customer's impression formation (Lin, 2004:163-178). According to Lin (2004), servicescapes are an important tangible component of the service product that provide clues to customers and create an immediate perpetual image in customers' minds. At Leith Agency, customers can encounter interpersonal servicescape as the company has to provide few ideas and samples of the ad campaign, discuss the changes required and then strike a deal while completing talks in financial matters. The framework plays important roles as package, wherein the customer is allowed to see a sample of their product or what they are going to get, so that client gets what he wants; facilitator, providing equal opportunities for both customers and service employees; socializer, providing cordial and friendly atmosphere to the customers in the office and differentiator, wherein the appearance and ambience of the workplace leaves an overall impression on the customers and provides pleasant atmosphere for its employees to work (Ghanghas, M, n.d).. The merits of servicescapes as mentioned above like package, facilitator, socialzer and differentiator will be helpful to the agency in developing a cordial atmosphere among its employees and making it stand apart from its competitors. Moreover, a difference in the type of working and ambience is itself a creative thinking which may entice the existing and future customers. References 1. CALT Learning (2007)

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Describe a circumstance that led you become interested in a career in Essay

Describe a circumstance that led you become interested in a career in diagnostic imaging ( radiologic technology ) - Essay Example I am 30 years old and after I stopped going to school for many years, the experience prodded me to go back to become a radiologic technologist. I have recognized the intricate and valuable nature of work associated with this profession, especially in terms of performing the required diagnostic imaging examinations that would diagnose the accurate source of illness or abnormality. As an enthusiastic student, I have made simple research on this career path and my studies revealed that â€Å"employment is projected to grow faster than average; those with knowledge of more than one diagnostic imaging procedure will have the best employment opportunities† (Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), par. 1). With increased learning in more procedures, one would gain extensive expertise in this career and enable the realization of attractive financial benefits, coupled with more opportunities for advancement. The same report provided by the BLS indicated that â€Å"some technologists progres s by specializing in the occupation to become instructors or directors in radiologic technology educational programs; others take jobs as sales representatives or instructors with equipment manufacturers† (BLS, par. 26).

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The battles of Trenton and Princeton altered the course of the Essay

The battles of Trenton and Princeton altered the course of the American Revolution - Essay Example ate the spirit of the debilitated and, thanks to the poor oversight of an inept Continental Congress, nearly-destitute army of disillusioned soldiers in the wake of an initial series of major setbacks and stinging retreats. Conversely the battles of Trenton and Princeton might be said to mark a point in the war when the over-confidence and inscrutable miscalculations of conquering British troops and Hessian mercenaries left their better-equipped ranks susceptible to unexpected Patriot maneuvers and stunned alarm at the remarkable tenacity of the all-but-subjugated revolutionary upstarts. New York had recently fallen, and the Continental army had fled in full retreat across New Jersey, with the superior British forces at their heels (Ellis 96). Frightened citizens, fearful the colonial capital was doomed to fall to the British as well, were fleeing Philadelphia with their families and possessions (Rodney 13). Washington and his men had managed to traverse the Delaware river into Pennsylvania and to prevent the British from following by demolishing every sea-worthy vessel, save those required for the troops, for sixty miles along its banks (McCullough 263). Without the slightest hesitation or apology, two brigades, a full two thousand of Washingtons men, had simply abandoned the fight, their enlistment up (McCullough 256). Inexplicably, rather than go after his clear advantage, the British General Howe opted for wintering down on the opposite side of the Delaware river, establishing outposts in a chain of forts stretching from New York through New Jersey, fully antici pating victory over the hapless insurrection by the following spring (Green and Pole 301). It was December of 1776, and a Hessian brigade led by Colonel Johan von Rall was stationed in Trenton, directly across the Delaware from the Patriot forces. The Hessians typically maintained outposts on round-the-clock watch, and had been alerted by a Loyalist to a possible attack (Ellis 98). The Hessians, who

Friday, October 4, 2019

Implementing an ADR Process Essay Example for Free

Implementing an ADR Process Essay An Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a voluntary procedure where parties come to an agreement to use in conjunction with a formal process of administration, to resolve and settle disagreements or disputes in a work environment (Ann and Jay, 2002). There exist a number of objectives that lead to the use of an ADR processes in an organization. The Alternative Dispute Resolution processes should perform the following factions among others. It should resolve or reduce a number of issues in a dispute, be accessible, use the available resources efficiently, resolve disputes and disagreements as early as they occur, produce effective, lawful and acceptable outcomes to the involved parties and enhance the parties’ satisfaction (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). Types of ADR processes Mediation is a type of neutrally facilitated negotiation. It is a process where the parties to the dispute choose a mutually acceptable and independent third party called the mediator, to assist them in arriving at an amicable solution to their conflict or dispute (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). The mediator enables parties to appraise their own cases with him in confidence, the factors like business relationships, commercial pressures, and reputation issues can be taken into account to necessary extent. Also, the procedure is flexible to suit the parties and the dispute. Mediation is also quick, consequently cheap and entirely confidential. However, Mediation is not suitable where the parties in a dispute require a court judgment (John and Steven, 2003). Conciliation is a process where the conciliator might express an opinion on the advantages of a dispute and will recommend a resolution to that dispute if he is not able persuade the parties to create their own solution (Ann and Jay, 2002). It is often preferred to mediation if the parties want the benefit of a conciliator’s intervention and assistance in the given confidential form provided. Neutral or expert evaluation; Here the parties aggrieved appoint an acceptable and neutral third party to both of them to evaluate their dispute and deduce an opinion on its outcome (Ann and Martin, 2002). They may request for an evaluation of their positions as a matter of law liability. Adjudication is non-housing grant whereby it is a process in which the parties appoint a neutral expert in the subject in disagreement to decide the dispute (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). The adjudicators decision may be binding in the end of a temporary effect or advisory depending on the parties terms of reference availed to him. Implementation of an ADR processes The implementation of an ADR process may face a lot of barriers. For instance, the management may reject it. This may arise where the management do not belief in simple methods of conflict resolution or where they belief Court judgment. Also, another barrier could be misinformation or lack of commitment. Some employees or managers may present the truth about then ADR process as incorrect or as a bad method thereby creating some for of rejection by the other people within an organization (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). The management may also pose a big challenge if it will decline to provide the required leadership in the process of implementing the ADR process. This is where the leading parties may not be willing to play a lead role in its implementation. Another challenge that may be realized is the lack of any form of commitment by the implementing group or lack of a proper legislation for its implementation. Some people on the other hand my go to court to acquire an injunction over the use of this process in an organization. While on the other hand the law firm workforce may fear the possible consequences of adapting ADR process subjecting it to criticism (John and Steven, 2003). Therefore, to overcome these challenges, one needs to have a number of methods. For instance, the person implementing an ADR Process should improve the communication to the rest of the employees and the management in general. Effective communication ensures that the process shall be well explained and illustrated while giving the advantages of accepting its use in the organization if implemented (Steven and Graham, 1993). Also, it is necessary that the concerned parties should hold a meeting for brainstorming and analysis of the strengths of the proposed ADR Process and its implementation. Involving the all affected stakeholders in implementation process ensures that the stakeholders own the process by their active contribution and participation, thus likely to result less resistance. Moreover, this will ensure that the persons concerned are well informed and are part of the process thereby reducing the chances of rejection and other barriers to its implementation. Another way of overcoming the implementation of an ADR Process is by adopting good leadership behavior by the leading persons in the organization. In this regard, a hands-off leadership style which is closely related to â€Å"laissez-faire† is appropriate leadership behavior whereby the top managerial carder provides no or little direction and gives workforce as much freedom in the implementation process (Donald, 2004, p. 216). The authority is given to the staff enabling them to make decisions, determine goals, and resolve problems on their own. However, the management should lead by supporting the implementation of the ADR Process and also provide relevant advice as to the advantages and disadvantages of using the process in the organization in resolving disputes and not imposing the process. Also, an appropriate advice should be given in relation to the legal processes and other court related problems like delays which are likely to drag the resolution of a dispute that would be resolved in a matter of days or hours between the parties. In addition, the cost that is involved in the legal process is higher that that used in the ADR Process. This should discourage the aggrieved parties from taking the case to the courts. The ADR Process plan may be accepted by the management if the definition of the intermediaries like the conciliators, mediators among others is well done and identified. The management might also accept the plan if legality part of the intermediaries is well done especially in adjudication where the experts are involved in the dispute resolution (Ann and Martin, 2002; John and Steven, 2003). This mainly because of the associated advantages of using an AR process like satisfactory results, more flexibility, participation and control, better case understanding, management improvement and reduction of hostility (Cavel and Vondra, 1994). The management is also likely to accept the ADR Process plan if the cost is conspicuously advantageous in adopting the ADR Process and if it proofs that by adopting it, the parting are likely to resolve their disputes amicably are return to their normal way of working because as an organization, it is only fare that the employees are working with harmony and agreement. In conclusion, it is clear that an ADR Process is good for an organization if it is implemented and well used. As much as there are challenges that are associated with its implementation, it is proper that it is well explained both to the management and the rest of the employees so as to embrace its merits and foster a sense of collective acceptability thereby reducing the chances of its rejection.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Islamic And Conventional Worldview

Islamic And Conventional Worldview Worldview refers to a general conception of the nature of the world , particularly as containing or implying a system of value-principles. Any total philosophical system may be so styled which derives practical consequences from its theoretical componentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦... According to that definition, such a system of value-principles may be inspired by religious tenets or by moral philosophy independent of religion. And also, the distinctive spiritual and material aspect of the society and individual lives in often end to mold their worldview. Therefore, in making a choice, someone is imperative to look at the worldview dynamics from the different social systems rest on. Individual in a society can still have their own principles or variations, but hopefully their average behavior would tend to conform to the norms of what has socially been agreed upon. Worldview is considered as evolutionary and architectonic rather than contextual. Social phenomena are dynamic and because of the interaction between the changing realities of life and the social worldview perception, the latter invariably has a temporal dimension. Thus, worldview remains in a process of change and reconstruction over time around some unalterable elements. Therefore, because of worldview is coming from human being, it then starts to think about religious worldview, such as Islamic worldview. Since factors affecting worldview differ, different worldview exits, leading to different system for different people. Secular and materialist worldview attach minimum importance to the material aspect of human well being and tend to ignore the importance of the spiritual aspect. They often argue that maximum material well-being can be best solution if the individuals are given unhindered freedom to pursue their self interest and to maximize their want satisfaction in keeping with their own tastes and preferences. In their extreme form they do not recognize any role for divine guidance in human life and place full trust in the ability of human beings to chalk out the proper with the help of their reason. That understanding of religion actually is not necessarily accepted nor applicable to all societies and civilization. The Christian civilization has experience and history which is inclined to secularize as follows : à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â €š ¬Ã‚ ¦ this dichotomy between the religious and the remainder of human life is a western product and concernà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. This distinction between the sacred and profane, between religion and other aspects of human endeavor is a result of the process of secularization that has been the experiences of Christian/Western civilization especially since the 17th century (Encyclopedia of Religion 12, 1987). Thus, in such worldview, there is little role for values or government intervention in the efficient and equitable allocation and distribution of resources. When we identify whether social interest is served, the answer is that, government has given to everyone to pursue his/her interest, and they argue that social interest will automatically serve. There is no doubt that under its secular and materialist worldview, the market system led to a long period of prosperity, however, this unprecedented prosperity did not lead to the elimination of poverty or the fulfillment of everyones needs in conformity with the Judeo-Christian value system even in the wealthiest countries. Even, Marx which is proponent of socialist ideology, came up with the notion, the methodological struggle for economists was to alienate political economy from ethics. It is with Marx that the methodological problem in political economy became the demarcation of economic science from the ideology. So, the question later on, is there a place for morality in economics? Leading thinkers on methodological issues have adopted definitions of economics that put the subject in a wider perspective, and ultimately raise moral and religious issues. Pareto pointed out that political economy did not have to take morality into account, but an economist who extolled a particular practical measure should consider the moral as well as the economic consequences. Real men included not only homo oeconomicus, but also homo ethicus and homo religious. However, the economists who, in commending in law, consider only the economic effect was, in Paretos view, not much of a theories. When science become advance, then not only are the different parts of a phenomenon separated, but they are subsequently put together in a synthesis. Hence, the economic, ethical, and religious consequences have all to be taken into account. Nobel-laureate Amartya Sen has, therefore, rightly argued that the distancing of economics from ethics has impoverished welfare economics and also weakened the basis of a good deal of descriptive and predictive economics and that economics can be made more productive by paying greater and more explicit attention to ethical consideration that shaped human behavior and judgment. Hausman and McPherson also conclude in their survey article Economics and Contemporary Moral Philosophy that An economy that is engaged actively and self-critically with the moral aspects of its subject matter cannot help but more interesting and more illuminating and, ultimately, more useful than one that tries not to be . In contrast with this, religious worldview give attention to both the material as well as the spiritual aspect of human well-being. Islam also support to that statement. In Islam, the dichotomy and separation from other aspects of life are considered as contradictory, incoherent, and meaningless. Since religion of Islam is not human creation of, and for infantile man but it is a representative of a way of life for all times. Islam has come up with the concept of din, which is perfectly being taught ,including the Islamic worldview. As mentioned by Watt (1979, 3-4), the term din refer more to a :à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..whole way of lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦covers both the private and public/societal lives of man, it permeates the whole fabric of society, and included theological dogma, forms of worship, political theory, and a detailed code of conduct, including even matters which the European would classify as hygiene or etiquetteà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. In addition, an Islamic worldview gives the meaning and purpose in our act ions. It also dealing with why and how we exist, and it means that actually what ethical or moral values we should partake in, later on what type of behavior or actions we should consider as right or wrong. This is closely related with the concept of din in Islam. Since din is meant the place which man tested and asked by God to follow the straight path of the din. Therefore, all knowledge, notably economics discipline, is basically corrigible except the knowledge revealed by God. Furthermore, under the Islamic worldview, God has created the universe for the benefit of all creatures; with man made as His vicegerent. He has made the resources of the universe available to man who has the responsibility to make the best use of these resources without spreading corruption. ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW AND MAQASID AS SYARIAH The Islamic worldview also has well spell out objectives known as maqasid al-syariah. These are meant to promote the welfare of the entire mankind, and enjoin on believers the safeguarding of their faith, their human self, their intellectual, their posterity, and their wealth. Furthermore, in dealings with this, Islam has encouraged co-operation to achieve Maslahah (benefit in every day communal life. The other parts of maqasid is establishing justice which is indeed a manifestation of gods mercy, but may also be seen as a principal objective of the shariah in its own right. Justice as a value or primary objective of the shariah which is everyone in Islam must establish an equilibrium between rights and obligations. The other purposes of maqasid is to educating the individual. In fact, in order to priority, it may even though to be placed before maslahah and adl. Essentially, community oriented values that acquire much of their meaning in the context of social relations, whereas the former seeks to make each individual a trustworthy agent just so as to strive to realize these values which benefit himself and the community. Indeed, the overall purpose of a great number of the stipulation of the shariah, especially in the spheres of Ibadah and akhlaq, is to train the individual to acquire the virtues of taqwa, and thus, to aid the fulfillment of the objective. ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW AND ISLAMIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE Islamic worldview is one of paradigm which are Muslim must be having. Islamic worldview is considered as purpose in our actions, since it gives the answers to questions dealing with why and how we exist. Therefore, Islamic worldview is able to direct on what type of behavior or actions we should consider right or wrong. As worldview also is defined as how one sees the world. Hence, value is attached to knowledge that one receives, because the information is processed by the knowledge-giver first before it passed down to the recipient. This knowledge, together with the value attached to it, is then assimilated into ones mental framework and worldview. Accordingly, due to the impact of worldviews and the values attached to knowledge that would impact ones perspective on life. Having viewed the important of knowledge, the Islamic scholars, such as Al Attas and Ismail Al-Faruqi come up with the notion, called to Islamization of Knowledge (IOK). Hence, IOK is a term which describes a vari ety of attempts and approaches to synthesize the ethics of Islam. Al- Attas adds up that the fundamental crisis of the modern-day ummah to be epistemological in nature-that is having its roots in the very conception of knowledge. This brought about the contents of their education by willing to take bold measure and introduce curriculum reform in particularly Islamic economics programme. Also, the further challenge in terms of knowledge, is that, the curriculum must has the ability to shed light the different between what is considered as knowledge and not. Al-Attas adds up to identify the confusion of knowledge must be eliminated et all since it can exhaust the moral values of Ummah and lead to a loss of adab and subsequently the rise of false leaders that would exacerbate the confusion of knowledge. Having realized of what important the IOK agenda is, we have to deal with the concept of existing modern knowledge which have been embodied in current system and how to develop IOK. In terms of the modern knowledge, Al-Attas had given his conception, is that, every Muslims have to call for the recognition of the proper authorities of knowledge. This means that since the modern knowledge or the west knowledge is at the forefront of science and technology and hence, Muslims are urge d to learn from them. However, the Muslim should possess the metaphysical (Islamic) worldview necessary to filter out theories, that are not in line with the aqidah and tasawwuf. He also noted that Muslim, in pursuit the knowledge, does not just stop at the reinterpretation of secular knowledge, but also should also possess the ability to form and establish new theories and solutions that support the Islamic worldview. And finally, the Muslim should be aware the supreme goal for knowledge is that the spiritual and immaterial in nature. Subsequently, to conduct IOK agenda need to further discussions and interpretations. The spirit of how to perform IOK agenda is that, the notion to integrate the two education stream, the heritage and modern knowledge. Later on, in this context, Al-Alwani (1989, p.89) states that the IOK agenda require the combination of two readings. Therefore, the IOK agenda requires six discourses, namely articulating the Islamic paradigm of knowledge and developing a Quranic Methodology, establishing a methodology which is dealing with the Quran and Sunnah, reexamining the Islamic intellectual heritage, dealing with the western intellectual heritage. Beside Al-Alwani, Ragab (1995, 1997, and 1999) was propounded the idea of creative engagement which ultimately was proposing a unified integral theoretical framework. He also signifies that the Islamizers should be qualified which are able to understand and mastery the substantive knowledge in the modern sciences , and has to involve in an understanding of the Islamic Worldview, and capable of propounding a critical evaluation and modification of modern social sciences from an Islamic viewpoint. Wan Mohd. Nor, 1998, also attempts to note that IOK can be done by those who have a profound grasp of the nature, spirit, and attributes of Islam as religion, culture, and civilization as well as western culture and civilization. Unless the Islamizers clearly understand the Islamic worldview, they may not know what need to be isolated and what need to be infused, what are acceptable, what are not and what the Islamic alternatives are. Since, according to Al-Attas, IOK is an epistemological and methodological concern, dealing with how Islamically creative minds can evaluate modern knowledge using Islamic benchmarks. Thus, at the end of the process, Islamizers fervently wish to come up with idea of reconstruction or reformulation of contemporary knowledge and disciplines, either those existing or the creation of new disciplines if necessary. CONCLUSION Islamic worldview is considered and defined as general conception of the nature of the world in Islamic perspective. It contains a system of values principles, which based on dien of Islam. Islamic worldview would give meanings and purpose of all actions done by human beings, particularly Muslims. Muslims will be guided and directed to the area of inline with aqidah, tasawuff, and syariah principles and values. Ethical or moral values is viewed to be a central and basic every endeavor in performing activities, which are categorized as ibadah or muamalah. Subsequently, one attempts to apply and synthesize the ethic of Islam with modern thought is by introducing Islamization of Knowledge (IOK). IOK seems to be essential to be established is shedding out and considered as positive ways to mitigate the problem of corruption of knowledge which is believed has brought up the backwardness of Muslims ummah. In its implementation, IOK agenda is trying to integrate between the heritage of Isla m with modern knowledge by undertaking a certain methodology. Certainly, integrating of two types of knowledge need a qualified Islamizer which require to understand the Islamic worldview comprehensively and perfectly. The future of Conventional Accounting The traditional Western double-entry based accounting technology is well-suited to an orthodox, positivist society of any kind. It is not surprising that it is proving inadequate, as people are returning to more integrated world views, whether Islamic or otherwise (Hayashi, 1989) Critics on Conventional Accounting Externalities is not included in financial report (Lee Parker, environmental accounting) Intangible asset cannot be measured adequately(Lev Baruch) Human resources and employee reporting interest are not included. Social Interest is overlooked Promote the exploitation of capitalist over labor and society. Promote the concentration of wealth and power o the hand of the rich. What is Islam? Peace (in this world and hereafter) obedience to Allah as his/her God, comply with the motivation of Gods creation of Man, which is to serve Allah, to be his viceregent on earth. A comprehensive worldview, a unity of God, and an integration between world and hereafter. Islamic principles: truth, justice, fair, goodwill, honesty, benevolent, accountability before the God. Islams epistemology of Devine Unity: The Islamic world view is thereby, the comprehensive and universalizing, overreaching and complementing design of reality that is premise on the epistemology of divine unity and is evolved into intellection through the process orientation model of unification of knowledge in world system as derived from the primal sources of divine unity. Islamic Rules: Allah (God) gives two guidance for mankind: al-Quran (revealed world of God ) and Hadist/Sunnah: Prophet Saying, Gods inspired acts, description of the conduct of the prophets companion of which Mohammad was uncritical. Ijtihad/ijma: shuratic and consensus process. Guidance are related to all daily life of mankind including in business, management, and finance. The phenomena of nature can be also a sign of Gods power and existence. The purpose of shariah (Islamic law) To promote the welfare of the people which lies on: Safeguarding of their faith Their life Their intellect Their posterity and Their Wealth Quranic verse on Accounting i.e. Albaqarah (2) ayah 282: Oh you who believe! When you deal with each other, in transaction involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them in writing. Let a scribe write down faithfully as between parties. There is an integration between worship ritual and socio-economy-politico and daily life of mankind. Allah rules out business and accounting. Islamic accounting: Hayashi is an integrated discipline with social, political and economic domain ruled by Allah or meta rule. Islamic accounting should regulate and establish a harmonious integration among the parties of these diverse domain. Ancient Accounting Role in Islamic State is Muhasabah, it means: Calculation of ones act Clear the account, make neutral To take care of, to try to find To anticipate a reward in the hereafter To take into account, into consideration To order Muslim to perform their duties To avoid fraudulent practices in business and society, to check illegal contract, keep free market and fair price, prevent necessities from being hoarded. (Hayashi, 1989) Islamic Accounting 1. To report accurate income determination 2. To promote efficiency and leadership 3. To comply with the shariah (Islamic principles) 4. Commitment to justice 5. To report a good things 6. To adapt to positive social change. Conventional vs Islamic Accounting: Conventional Accounting: Based upon modern commercial law-permissive rather than ethical Limited disclosure (provision of information subject to public interest) Personal accountability (focus on individuals who control resources) Economic rationalism Secular Individualistic Profit maximization Survival of fittest Process Absolute ownership (Ec. rationalism: the desire to stand apart from others, to compete, to manipulate and to amass surplus) Individuality oriented Focus on individuality aspect without consider any social aspects Accounting Law and Ethics Secular The normative accounting always influencing descriptive accounting or individuality interest In operational, they permit everything to reach the highest profit Measure as highest possible profit Historical Cost Firm doses not have separate financial obligation (I.e profit sharing scheme) Depend on contractual agreement between party One lunar year for zakat calculation Quantity based and monetary based (zakat calculation) Importance for fulfillment of duties and obligation to God, society and individual. Clear conscience with God in fulfilling all duties. Consistence to shariah rules Most favorable to society (justice) Islamic Accounting Based upon ethical law originating in the Quran (Islamic law, As-Sunnah) Full disclosure (to satisfy any reasonable demand for information in accordance with the Sharia) Public accountability (focus on the community who participate in exploiting resources) Unity of God Religious Communal Reasonable profit Equity Environment Relative ownership Focus on society aspect Basically Al Quran As Sunnah (Shariah) Religious (must responsibility to God at the Judgment Day) No differentiation between Normative and Descriptive Accounting (They always going simultaneously) In operational, they do everything in boundaries of Islam (Shariah) Measure as saleable value Market (selling) price rather than historical cost [Entity]Separation between business and owners [going concern] Business continues forever [Accounting period] Periodical measurement of performance [unit of measure] Monetary Value [Full disclosure principle] Decision making process [objectivity] Reliability of measurement [Materiality] Relative importance of information for decision making [Consistency] Consistency based on GAAP [Conservatism] Use least favorable impact on owners